July 7, 2024

Wangchuan - End

Recently, the biggest news in Wangchuan is the earthquake, but since the worst shaking, there hasn't been any more. The strangest thing is that the cracks on the ground disappeared overnight. Some old people say that Wangchuan is a place with good feng shui, a giant turtle underneath carries it on its back, and it will be free from earthquakes and floods for ten thousand years, Gods bless us! Everyone just laughed at this.

The chill of early spring has been swept away by the swaying willow branches and the bright sunshine. Zimiao and Jiu Jue stood at Unceasing's door, bidding me farewell.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Everywhere; wherever there's water, there is me." Zimiao smiled at me, took my palm, and put a drop of water on it, crystal clear like a mirror, reflecting my face.

"Will you come back to see me?" I can't bear to part with him, just like a child hates parting with their parents.

"Of course. If he doesn't object." Zimiao pointed to my shoulder.

The miniature version of Ao Chi clings to me all day long, wanting me to hold him, to feed him, to give him water. Right now, he's squatting on my shoulder, rolling his eyes at Zimiao.

"You can ignore him." I glanced at Ao Chi, "This guy likes to eat vinegar anyway, let him have his fill. He even tailed us and listened to that woman's instigation, thinking I was crooning with you."

Zimiao smiled, gently holding my hand, "Shaluo, this reunion and disaster are good for you."

"Huh?" I looked into his clear, penetrating eyes.

"True love must stand the test of time, withstand suspicion and jealousy, and withstand hardships. Remember, love is love, it has nothing to do with friendship or family." Zimiao stroked my head, then patted Ao Chi's head, "You two still need to continue practicing this. But fortunately, you have plenty of time."

"So, what are you and I?" I raised my head and asked openly and straightforwardly.

"You tell me." He smiled.

I took his hand and wrote four words on his palm.

His smile almost melted away in the spring breeze as he embraced me, with Ao Chi squeezed in between.

"Um... about my marriage and breakup..." Jiu Jue nudged me, whispering, "I'll tell you next time. But you still need to prepare the red envelope!"

I watched their backs fading in the afternoon sunlight.

Wherever there is water, there is his presence, which is immensely comforting. But I always feel he has something left unsaid. However, where Zimiao is going no longer matters. What matters is, I know where I am going.

"What did you write in his palm? Tell me!" Ao Chi on my shoulder bared his teeth and claws.

"I'll tell you when you grow up!" I picked him up like a queen and tossed him aside. Thinking about having a year to bully Ao Chi, I feel quite gleeful.

Back in the shop, I picked up the ordinary little notebook lying on the table.

Dong'er, that arrogant woman, never apologized to me in the end. She just angrily threw this thing at me before leaving, saying it's a birthday gift from Ao Chi intended for me that she had planned to steal and destroy. She only said sorry to Ao Chi, placed a deed signed with her name in front of him, then flung back her head and returned to the East China Sea.

My birthday is actually still far away. Flipping through the notebook, what caught my eye is Ao Chi's crooked and unbearably ugly handwriting—

One day, standing before the Sphinx,
You ask, did Napoleon really break your nose?
Or was it the jealous sands of time in the desert,
Envying your heroic face, leaving you incomplete?
The sunset at Giza just touches the pyramid's peak,
Circles and edges, light and shadow,
It's what you've longed for, perfect geometry.
Your eyes shaded by the brim of your hat,
Wings sprout in the lens, flying through four millennia.

One day, the dawn bathes the bronze statue of the mermaid,
In Copenhagen's waterfront, morning breath permeates every passerby.
On the fragmented stones along the shore,
Your skirt touches the foam carried by the wind.
When the handsome prince has turned into a pot-bellied old man,
My little mermaid princess, are you still singing sad songs on the sea?

One day, you circle over the Nazca Plateau,
The roar of jet planes raises the temperature outside.
The ground paintings beneath your feet,
Blossom and stretch in various majestic shapes,
Eagle, spiral, triangle, octopus, without any constraints.
Once, there was a group of Incas,
Stubbornly waiting for the gods to descend again,
Bestow upon the earth marvelous and intricate patterns.
But the miracles did not reappear.
Perhaps the aliens are still observing.

One day, you silently stand in the crowd,
The waters of the Ganges emit an unpleasant odor.
In the dirty river, there are many devout and faithful faces and bodies.
The women's beautiful big eyes,
Glimmer with shyness and confusion under the veil.
Perhaps the children's hands are dirty; but, even the dirtiest little hands, look forward to candies and the future.
Buddha said: Each grain of sand contains a world, each tree a Bodhi.

One day, in February in Provence,
The owner of Simon's Restaurant presents delicious wild mushrooms,
Topped with thick, fragrant gravy.
Dogs bark in the snow,
Like little bears, they dive into the snowdrifts, their bodies turning white as they emerge.
This countryside of France,
Isn't just about lavender and wine,
But also the distinct four seasons and olive oil mills.

One day, you will travel to every corner of the world.
Keep walking, keep walking,
It's the greatest respect for this world.
And I will always be by your side.

I don't know when this guy became "poetry-savvy" and quietly jotted down such words in places we've been. All I know is that he doesn't like reading and doesn’t have any literary talent. Just these few hundred words, and he has revised countless times.

For me, he can do the things he's least skilled at.

This is probably the best birthday gift I've ever received in my life.

I closed the notebook, sunlight streaming through the window, falling into the teacup, and the green tea swayed gently. I took a sip. This is a cup of "Fleeting Life" I brewed for myself.

There's a commotion in the kitchen. It's Ao Chi yelling again, "Where's my strawberry milkshake?!"

I think my story with Ao Chi has entered a brand new chapter. And stories are never-ending, whether they're others' or our own.

Well, my "Unceasing" has been rebuilt anew, and I'm considering reopening it.


And they lived happily ever after… or did they? The Story of Fleeting Life spans 11 books and the adventures of Shaluo and Ao Chi continue to unfold, alongside the introduction of new characters and their captivating tales.

I hope you've found this journey into the realm of fantasy as enchanting as I have. As this is my first foray into the fantasy genre and BG category, translating this book has been a labor of love. I have tried my best to give English readers a smooth reading experience.

Your feedback will influence whether I continue this series, so please take a moment to share your thoughts and suggestions, or a review on NU. If you've enjoyed this adventure, consider supporting my work by donating a few bucks as a token of appreciation. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a meaningful difference.

Thank you for embarking on this ride with me. Feel free to recommend novels you'd like to see translated; your input may very well be my next project.

Until we meet again in the pages of another tale, farewell and happy reading!

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