June 21, 2024

Water Sacrifice - Part 8

Zhuge Jun lay on the bed, breathing steadily, no different from being asleep.

However, Long Renyu lay sprawled a few steps away from the bedroom door, his body soaked through, as if glued to the ground, unable to move an inch.

The room was in disarray, showing signs of a struggle.

What trapped Long Renyu was a layer of water barrier that was not yet sophisticated enough. It was Zimiao's best spell and also his innate divine power as a water god. However, his daughter was not skilled enough in using it, perhaps she just hastily cast it under duress.

But even so, it was enough to trap a mortal like Long Renyu.

Of course Long Renyu could tell I wasn't human. His intuition also told him that I was the only one he could trust and seek help from at this moment.

I undid the barrier binding him, but he still couldn't stand. Even if it had only half of Zimiao's power, Zhuge Jingjun's move was still unbearable for ordinary people like him. I estimated it would take at least three days for Long Renyu to fully recover.

That's the power of a god.

"She... swallowed the Bifang Spirit Pearl!" Long Renyu didn't even ask my identity, urgently shouting, "Go find her! Hurry!"

This idiot!!

I cursed inwardly, furrowing my brow and dashed out of Zhuge Manor swiftly.

Bifang Spirit Pearl, this thing, is a precious pearl made from the feathers of the ancient sacred bird Bifang. In fact, the pearl itself has no mystical power. It's only when someone swallows it and it merges with their vitality that it produces a kind of miraculous "attraction." With the supreme yang power of god of fire Bifang, that person can suck all the monsters from the extreme yin places into their body, using the flesh as a prison, making these monsters forever unable to escape.

There used to be some desperate magicians who used this thing to capture demons.

But the Six Desires Fiends are not ordinary monsters. They feed on human desires as their fundamental "food." Once they enter the human body, as long as you have "desire" in your heart, they have the ability to thrive and grow endlessly, making it impossible to completely eradicate them.

Zhuge Jingjun, can you be a person without desire?!

Even if she uses the Bifang Spirit Pearl to absorb the Six Desires Fiend inside Zhuge Jun's body into herself, it still cannot fundamentally solve the problem. It will just give the Six Desires Fiend a new host. Moreover, this host will be of greater exploitation value to the Six Desires Fiend compared to Zhuge Jun.

Because Zhuge Jingjun has a half-divine, half-human lineage, using the Bifang Spirit Pearl so recklessly, coupled with a Six Desires Fiend  that has been hidden inside Zhuge Jun's body for eighteen years, I truly dare not speculate on what will happen next.

I'm familiar with her scent; finding her won't be difficult.

The direction she went towards is the Misty Rain Gap.

I know that beyond the Misty Rain Gap lies a cliff towering hundreds of feet high, and under the cliff, there's an unfathomable water pool. It's a dangerous spot where once you fall, there's no chance of ever coming out again.


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