May 26, 2024

Dragon & Tree - Part 10

Once life becomes bustling, time flies.

Christmas is here in the blink of an eye.

In the early morning, while I was still fast asleep, I was awakened by a series of knocking sounds.

I walked to the door with disheveled hair and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me!" Ao Chi's booming voice came from outside the door.

"What's up?" I hate things that disturb me sleeping late.

"Let's get married!"

Uh... What's going on?

I stood at the door with droopy eyelids, drowsily contemplating for a while.

Let's get married...

Let's get married...

Let's get married…

Well, dog my cats! These words were so refreshing that not only did it dispel all drowsiness, but it also came with the added bonus of short circuiting my brain.

Silence prevailed on both sides of the door.

"Give me three reasons," I said after a long time.

"First, nobody wants you except me. Second, nobody wants me except you. Third, I love you." Ao Chi spoke very fast and blurted out without any hesitation.

Oh! These are the most provoking and yet straightforward reasons to propose marriage in history…

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Tears welled up in my eyes, and the smile on my lips seemed to have a cramp, uncontrollable.

"If you don't open the door, I'm kicking it down!" Ao Chi was impatient.

After taking deep breaths N times, I forcefully opened the door with an unhappy expression.

A burst of cheerful heckling engulfed me, accompanied by lots of streamers falling from the air.

Ao Chi was holding a brocade box in one hand and a ring in the other, while the guys stood behind him wearing Santa hats.

"Here's your green robe," he handed the brocade box to me, "If you think I'll mind because of this, you underestimate me too much. This lord's mind is broader than the universe. On the contrary, I have always been grateful to Zimiao. Without him, I wouldn't have a wife to marry today."

"Did I say I promise to marry you?" This guy is still so self-righteous, still so fond of making decisions for others. So annoying!

He suddenly grabbed my right hand and, without any explanation, slid the diamond ring onto my ring finger.

"If you don't deny it in three seconds, I'll take it as your acceptance. All the people in the room can testify." He solemnly declared to me.

I stood petrified in place…

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Surprisingly, all I can think now is: why is this guy so... cute?!

Yes, at this moment, nothing else matters. What's important is that we've missed two decades of time, and from now on, I don't want to be separated from this evil dragon. This tree demon wants him by her side for every millennium in the future!

Do I need a reason for this? Yes.

There's only one reason — everyone should honestly face their feelings, including myself.

I finally laughed out loud, stood on tiptoes, and lightly kissed Ao Chi's cheek, saying, "Okay, I accept."

He was first stunned, then breathed a sigh of relief, and gave me a bear hug, his eyes filled with tears of infinite emotion.

No one else's hug is as solid and reliable as his. His heartbeat truly blended into my veins, and I realized that from now on, I'll never be able to cut him out of my life.

Astrologically speaking, Leo and Sagittarius are a perfect match for seven lifetimes. Are we a couple that's a not-too-bad example of that?

Lost in sweet daydreams, his fingers gently lifting my chin interrupted my thoughts.

Our eyes met. I've been gazing into those slender eyes of his for centuries, and yet I don't feel any aesthetic fatigue. The deep affection in his eyes and the silent gaze made me blush decisively.

He smiled the softest smile ever, his lips parting slightly.

My heart pounded. Does the proposal scene have a second season?

However, I quickly realized that he wasn't opening his mouth to do something to me but to turn around and proudly show off to the group of gossip monsters behind him: "See! I bet she’ll agree! The only bag of cod filets is mine! Guys, you bet, you pay!"

A food bag flew gracefully through the air, and he caught it, grinning from ear to ear.

Jiu Jue shrugged, "Fine, the cod filets and the lady boss are all yours!"

The room erupted in joyful cheers again, colorful ribbons flew up, and Cangtong Kai even brought out a vuvuzela, blowing wildly at us.

I'm genuinely worried that Unceasing's roof will collapse due to their excitement.

"Great! Lady Boss Shaluo is finally getting married!"

"The shrew will be washing her hands and making soup[1] from now on!"

"Do you want to die!"

Chaos ensued inside Unceasing.

Afterwards, these demons spent a week discussing what my wedding with Ao Chi should be like, super enthusiastic and gossipy.

Time flew by quickly like a river.

The wedding is tomorrow.

By evening, Unceasing had been decorated by them into a pink world, with arrow-through-the-heart patterns everywhere, and I mean everywhere!

After dinner, our "helpers" sat by the fireplace chatting. They whispered to each other and laughed evilly from time to time while watching Ao Chi and me.

After a while, Jiu Jue took two pieces of paper and stuffed one to each of us, saying, "Everyone wants to know one thing. Considering that Lady Boss is the greatest woman we have ever encountered in our lives, her lifelong happiness is our greatest concern. So, to verify if you two are a match made in heaven, please write down the words you most want to say to each other on the paper. As long as you have even one word in common, we'll agree to your marriage. If..."

"Get lost! Even if not a single word matches, see if you're able to steal my bride!" Ao Chi glared fiercely at Jiu Jue.

"Hurry up and write! No refusals allowed!"

These mischievous and bored things.

Fine, let's write.

What do I most want to say?

After some thought, I picked up a pen and wrote a word, then handed the paper to Jiu Jue.

Ao Chi impatiently scribbled something and tossed the paper to Jiu Jue.

Looking at what we wrote, Jiu Jue burst into loud laughter and nodded repeatedly, "Tsk tsk, as expected, the husband and wife are of the same mind!"

As everyone gathered to look, the content on the two pieces of paper was exactly the same, both with the word—


[1] wash hands and make soup: It's from the poem "Newlywed Wife" by Wang Jian, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty. In ancient times, it was customary for the bride to go to the kitchen to prepare dishes on the third day of her marriage, symbolizing that the new daughter-in-law will take care of her parents-in-law in the future, and it was also a test on her ability to handle housework. In modern times, it is used to express love, implying that you're willing to take care of your partner.


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